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The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is The Art of Acupressure which concentrates on twenty-six safety energy locks along the energy pathways (meridians) in your body. When any of these pathways become blocked, disharmony or illness can result. To bring balance back to your mind, body and spirit, the practitioner will place their fingertips on the various safety energy locks in a harmonizing sequence or flow.

This allows for the release of blockages in specific pathways in the body, which have specific functions. This simple technique yields amazing results physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

It is effective in relieving pain, strained muscles and joints, respiratory conditions, appetite and digestive imbalances, reproductive difficulties, balancing the immune system, migraines, dizziness, calming stress, colds, flu and much more. Jin Shin Jyutsu has also proven to be very beneficial for those going through chemotherapy and radiation.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is applied over clothing, cast or brace. JIn Shin Jyutsu helps without having to manipulate bones or muscle tissues.

Treatments last 60 minute

Price and Payment


1 session: $65.00

3 sessions: pre-paid: $180.00

6 sessions: pre-paid: $325.00

*Note: Cancellation fees may apply without

48 hour notice.


Payment Options:



If you are paying by e-transfer or PayPal, please send prior to appointment. 

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